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Certificate e-mærket

Coolpriser.co.uk – we are of course holder of the "e-mærket"

Coolpriser.co.uk has been granted the e-mærket from the Danish e-handelsfonden. This certification is the visible proof showing that our webshop meets the applicable legislation regarding online business. Furthermore we comply with the special demands from e-handelsfonden, regarding correct an ethical behavior on the internet.

At Coolpriser we are proud of our e-marking. We want that you as customer at our webshop are secured optimal security when shopping in our webshop. The e-mærke at Coolpriser guarantees that you are constantly covered by the legal demands for responsible e-commerce.

Moreover – as customer at coolpriser.co.uk you always have access to the consumer hotline at e-handelsfonden.

The e-mærke is an established marking, working for a safe, secure and ethical sound commercial activity on the internet.. The e-mærke is being administered by the e-handelsfonden, which is a non-profit organization. Behind the foundation stands among others the Forbrugerrådet, Dansk Handel & Service, Finansrådet, HK, Dansk Industri, IT Branchen og FDIH. In addition the foundation is being supported by the Danish Ministry of Science. Check out our certificate - click here.




Coolpriser.co.uk is on Trustpilot where we have a great number of positive reviews!

Coolpriser.co.uk is of course signed up at Trustpilot, where we enjoy having plenty of reviews sustaining our webshop,,our products and our customer service. We have a close focus on good customer relations, and we want to be known as the webshop that you can always get hold of. A fact that our customers obviously appreciate.

We simply love the friendly reviews on Trustpilot. But of course we also have pleasure in listening to constructive criticism, which we use to further improve our webshop and service to make it even better. Coolpriser always wants to deliver products and service of the highest quality. Please tell us what you think about Coolpriser – and what you potentially would like us to change.

At Trustpilot´ website you have as consumer the option to review all Danish webshops. You can rate the webshop with 1-5 stars, indicating your satisfaction with the delivered products and services.

Please check our customer reviews at Trustpilot - Click here.
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